Ikea enclosure for Prusa MK3S+ with MMU3

I made an Ikea enclosure for the Prusa MK3S+ & MMU3. The instructions for making the enclosure are shown on the printables page. Here is my memo for making it ……..

  1. I made a mistake in the position of the pillars. I thought the pattern around the printed parts of the pillar was a pattern to prevent peeling during printing, but it was a pattern for positioning. ( This means that the pillar had to be placed inward from the edge of the table).
  2. The screws to fix the pillar to the IKEA table on the floor were not properly fastened (they rotate). I may change the printed parts by making a second screw hole from the top, or by screwing from the side.
  3. I found the 3D data and the use of supports very informative.

The original data is for MMU2, and it looks like some modifications are needed for MMU3. Next, I will modify the filament buffer.

minus not hyphen

When you want to enter a minus sign, just pressing the “-” key is not sufficient. This will enter a HYPHEN instead of a minus sign.

On macOS, you can enter a minus sign by pressing option+”-“.

hyphen key

CC-65 AC/DC Current probe 2

CC-65 is driven by a 9V battery.

Range select switch serves a power switch. When CC-65 is on, Power indicator becomes green. Unfortunatly, it dose not have auto shutdown function. So If you forget turn off it, battery becomes empty.

Push button is “zero adjustment knob”. The button dose not move smooth. I must push it down lightly to cary out the zero adjustment.

The manual of CC-65 says the precision of is 1.5%. I checked the DC current measurement result using constant current power supply. When 500 mA was applied to a coil, the measured value was 498 mA. This result is consistent with the manual.

Next I’d like to conduct a comparative experiment using an accurate ammeter and confirm the results against the AC waveform.

CC-65 AC/DC Current probe

I bought a current probe that is Hantek CC-65 from aliexpress at the end of the last year.

I bought the probe about $50.

This probe can measure AC/DC current. The speck seat value of the bandwidth is up to 20kHz. This is little bit small for me, but this price is very attractive.

I’ll try it for some experiments and write the results here.


I’m Teru. I’m a member of “hibi hogehoge laboratory”.

“hibi hogehoge laboratory” is a virtual laboratory where some little experiments of physics and programing and electronics are caring.

I will introduced these short results and little photos and other short technical memorandum in this web site.

Some memoranda will be summarized in hibihgoehgoe.com.

This blog is also my English writing skill exercise. If you find my mistake, please let me know the mistake.

Thank you.

Hello world!

I will write some dairy memoranda of my small experiments in this blog site.

Some memoranda will be summarized in main site of hibihogehoge.com.